Player / Parent Information
Existing Players - will need to advise their Team Managers prior to the commencement of a new season of their intent to continue playing for the Rebels..
New Players – will need to complete a registration form and pay upcoming season fees.
New Player’s Requiring Clearances – will need to speak with the Rebels committee. A clearance form with the applicable payment will then need to be submitted to SBA via their Website. Once the clearance has been confirmed, players will be able to start playing with their new team.
Summer Season commences in October and runs till March the following year. There is a break during the Christmas period, in line with school holidays. Winter Season commences at the end of Easter holidays and continues until September school holidays.
Team Selection – Juniors
Please contact the Rebels Junior Delegate for relevant information and registration details.
Team Submission – Seniors
Please contact the Rebels Senior Delegate for relevant information and registration details.
Training for junior players takes place on Friday nights at Sunbury College during the school term. Specific training times will be advised by Coaches/Team Managers at least 1 week prior to the commencement of the playing season. Training sessions do not occur during school holiday periods.
Game Times
Fixtures are located on the Fixtures Page of this website, Play HQ website and SBA's website It is each parent/players responsibility to monitor the fixture and review times prior to game day.
Rebels have club uniforms, consisting of a black and red singlet and black shorts. It is compulsory for all players to wear this uniform. Additional merchandise is also available via this link. Players have the option to personalise their singlet, however it must be noted that all names on uniforms will need to be approved by the committee. Teams will have the option to organise sponsorship as per committee policy. Rebels have some spare singlets for when new players commence with a team which can be used until their ordered one arrives. Black shorts can be purchased from Best and Less, Big W or Target and must have no pockets.
Parent/Player Involvement
As with most sporting clubs, Rebels Basketball Club is run by a voluntary committee. Rebels strongly encourages and is reliant on player/parent participation for its continued success. A variety of roles are available including; Team Managers, Coaches, and Committee Members. If you would like to assist/become involved, please see a Committee Member.
Refer to SBA Code of Conduct.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties please discuss this with a committee representative in order for a payment plan to be implemented. A payment plan needs to be organised prior to commencement of the season and approved by the Treasurer
If you have not paid fees by round three you risk the chance of not being able to take the court.
Door Entrance Fees set by the SBA and collected at all games are as follows:
Saturday Junior Competition - $3.00 per day for all players and supporters
Photos of players may be taken by Club Representatives and used on flyers or featured on our website for promotional purposes. Player’s names will only be used when consent is requested and received. Please contact a Committee Representative if you do not wish for photos of your child to be used.
Please refer to our website for information on the local businesses that sponsor our club. Wherever possible we encourage you to support these businesses through your patronage, as in doing so you are supporting the Rebels. We appreciate any potential sponsorship. Please contact a Committee Representative if you are interested.
Code of Conduct for Players, Parents, Coaches and Spectator’s
Please refer to Sunbury Basketball Association Code of Conduct which is located at every stadium and is publicised on the SBA website and on the link below. As a player and/or parent of a player registered with Rebels Basketball Club, playing within the Sunbury Basketball Association competition, you agree to read and abide by the Code of Conduct for players, parents, coaches and spectators.